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Media Relations

Media Inquiries

LIPA is a not-for-profit public utility with a mission to enable clean, reliable, and affordable electric service for our customers on Long
Island and the Rockaways. Since 2014, LIPA has contracted with PSEG Long Island, a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group
Incorporated (PSEG), a publicly traded diversified energy company, to operate LIPA’s transmission and distribution system.

Are you a member of the media and have a question for the LIPA team? We can help you with your inquiry during business hours by
emailing, or by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

For media inquiries related to day-to-day utility operations, outages, storms and storm response, and customer service, please call the
PSEG Long Island 24/7 media pager at 516-229-7248 or email For PSEG Long Island press releases, visit
the PSEG Long Island newsroom.

Press Releases

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Fill out the contact form to stay up-to-date on LIPA news, press releases, and media advisories.

Media Inquiries
